The Coding Knight

For kids aged 6 to 7
Kids' first dive into the fascinating world of algorithms and code, using a play-based format and with an emphasis on developing logical thinking
We work out what programming is for, how to put together our first code, and get busy creating our own programs
The basics and practice
We play at every stage of our classes: when we're studying new topics, by doing physical activities, and when solving tasks on the platform
Learning through play
We study the basics of math, solve logical tasks and learn to communicate, to work in a team, and to find agreement with each other
Preparation for school
for young children
Coding as a space
A project-based approach
After learning the basics, we start bringing our ideas to life. Working independently and in teams, we develop cartoons and games using Scratch, a programming language specially designed for kids
to unleash creativity
Your child
Apply basic programming concepts in practice – algorithms, loops, memory blocks, servers, and conditions
Logically reflect on and find different solutions to problems, and search for information by themselves
Be part of a team – distributing tasks, reaching joint decisions, and taking responsibility
Create their own projects and talk about them in interesting ways – what this part's for, why it's needed and how it works
will learn to
Length: 32 lessons
Studying takes place on weekdays after school or at the weekends
Classes at the Algorithmics school
n-person interaction with the teacher and fellow classmates
Up to 10 kids per group
A class lasts for 45 minutes with a break in the middle
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